Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Puss and a Punch - election night and our launch party!

Puss Friends,
Not only was yesterday the date of ROCKTAPUS!'s Official Launch Party, but apparently there was some sort of 'election' on (and an AFL match). Somewhat wisely, The Punch's Paul Colgan decided to cover election night and ROCKTAPUS! shenanigans. Read his blog here - three strange worlds colide! -  The Punch Party Parties. Thanks Paul!

BTW, while you were in the bathroom Paul, we used your laptop to check our email, signed you up to sponser a child, and ordered you a pair of pink swirl, lycra bike shorts.
Oh, and that wasn't beer you were drinking.

Meow, ROAR, Meow.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Meow ROAR Meow to you all,
Tickets for WE Will ROCKTAPUS! You, our Sydney Fringe Festival show go on sale TODAY. How excitements! Shows are 7.30 Sunday 12 September & 10pm Sunday 19 September at Notes in Enmore.
Tickets only $20/$16 Concession – a small price for a lot of Rock!

Arouse your curiosity, have a look at the site where a zillion exciting things are happening during September
There's even a special bundle discount deal: 3-5 shows at a 15% discount; 5 or more shows, get a 20% discount. Tickets available at or call 9550 3666.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Puss has lift-off! The Official ROCKTAPUS! Launch Party

Dear friends and family (hereby collectively known as ‘fans’),
The day has finally arrived when all the months of rehearsing has born some entertaining fruit!
Sure, you’ve probably had to listen to us go on and on about ROCKTAPUS! and all its awesomeness; you’ve probably had to hear us try and get those top notes in Living on a Prayer and wondered “Sheesh, is it worth it?”. Well, come & find out at our Official ROCKTAPUS! Launch Party!!!!
Saturday 21 August, 8pm
Upstairs at The Friend in Hand Hotel,
Glebe (cnr Queen & Cowper streets).
Will there be audience participation? There’s an audience sing-a-long complete with commemorative song book for you to keep forever!
Will there be booze? It’s a pub, stupid! The booze never stops-a-coming.
Will ROCKTAPUS! be entertaining, fun and awesome? For shizzle!!!

Because this is a taster of our up-and-coming September Sydney Fringe Festival shows, it’s free!
Spread the word, bring a friend for a lot of singing, silliness and rock’n’roll!

For further details about us & what we do see facebook or explore this blog site.